Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Baby Gender Reveal for the Students

Matthew and I wanted to share our exciting news of boy or girl with our students in a way that we hoped would be fun for them.  After all, they are family to us and they are just as excited about the baby as anyone else I think.

So we decided on doing silly string.  The caps were taken off the spray bottles, a few students chosen, and whatever color came out would reveal to the students the baby's gender.  Plus they would get to spray us.

The day before the students each voted what they thought the baby would be. :)

A baby boy!

Here is a video of the fun!

Thank you Tima for coming and doing the photography!
Thank you Dawn for doing the video!


Unknown said...

Oh my word! =) It was fun and I'm glad the kids were so excited!

Christen said...

Hilarious!! And great idea, by the way. :) Again, congrats to you both. You will make awesome parents.