Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Prayers of Blessings

Christmas day we were at my grandparents house in New Jersey where we always gather to spend "Christmas" -- whether it is on December 25th or not.  

This Christmas was special because I had asked my grandfather and step-dad to do a prayer of blessing over our baby boy.

So after all the gifts were opened and we had enjoyed lunch (and I went back into pajamas to stay comfortable), we all sat in the family room.

Granddaddy read these sentences from Child Guidance p. 27, "The first child especially should be trained with great care, for he will educate teh rest.  Children grow according to the influence of those who surround them." 

My Granddaddy is a joker and said, "It says the first, so that means more!"  So this is me laughing about the more part.  Let's just make it through the first one!

Then he prayed a blessing over our baby boy--and Matthew and I.

After he prayed Pappa shared about the names of God and how one of the names means that He is the Shepherd who leads us, and that we should know that all of the family will be praying for us, and hopes that we will remember that whatever our needs are at the moment that God will provide.

Then he prayed a blessing over Matthew & I and our baby boy.

I am richly blessed and so is our baby boy.  I love my family.


Unknown said...

I LOVE this idea of a blessing. We had both of our children blessed while I was still pregnant. It was so comforting to me to know that God was going to be with us even though we had no idea what might be in store.

bekah said...
