Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Yes and No Friends

A friend of mine posted this on my facebook wall a while back.

It reminded me of a picture I'd saved from Ann Voskamp's facebook.

And I wondered, is it true that friends love your "no" as much as your "yes"?

Yes.  I think it must be.  But maybe that helps define what a friend is.

A friend is someone who drives hours to visit you and ends up helping to make their own guest bed and clean the kitchen.

A friend is someone who texts you a new "anti-nausea" idea they've heard about, just in case it might help ease the constant sickness.

A friend is someone who drives hours to for a few short hours of celebration.

A friend is someone who sends messages of prayer and support even though we haven't seen in each other in person for years.

A friend is a guest who doesn't even ask, but hand-washes the dishes that won't fit in the dishwasher.

A friend is someone who sends you a box full of candy that has been helping the nausea, just because.

A friend is someone who keeps sending you get well cards, even though they were hoping it would only last 3 months.

A friend is someone I'm not afraid to tell, "I don't feel well enough today..." or "I can't do that."

Sometimes I think I'll look back on this section of my life with painful memories.  And those will be there.  It has not been easy.

But other times I think I'll look back at this time and see all of the beautiful people and their acts of service and love and see how truly blessed I was with real friends.

Lord, thank you for the gifts You've given me.  Give me eyes to see and a heart to focus on them.

1 comment:

Linda said...

This also makes me think of your Aunt Teresa......remember that we all love you because of WHO you are NOT what you do.....