Friday, April 6, 2012

Many More Years

Post by: Beth-Anne

Matthew and I have finished have a little faith by Mitch Albom. You should read it.

We usually read before going to bed, or I should say, Matthew reads and I listen. We treasure this time together and enjoy reading and discussing the books.

One night as Matthew was reading have a little faith he read the following part:

"Listen Mitch..." his voice lowered. He crossed his arms over his sweater, which covered another plaid shirt that had no connection to his blue pants. "I know my passing will be hard on certain people. I know my family, my loved ones--you, I hope--will miss me."

I would. More than I could tell him.

"Heavenly Father, please," he melodized, looking up, "I am a happy man. I have helped develop many things down on earth. I've even developed Mitch here a little..."

He pointed at me with a long, aged finger.

"But this one, you see, he's still asking questions. So Lord, please, give him many more years. That way, when we are reunited, we'll have lots to talk about."

And then my eyes filled with tears. Immediately faces and names came to my mind's eye.

There is a promise in 2 Peter 2:9 that I cling to. "The Lord is not slow is keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

I want those I love to have many more years so that we can be reunited and have lots to talk about.

This week I finished a book where the characters had cancer and they were dealing with life, death, meaning, etc. They did not believe in God, I found myself so incredibly glad to believe in God and know that He is real and active in my life. To believe that there is nothing after this life blows my mind. Life would be so incredibly meaningless without the hope of earth recreated, and us who love God and each other dwelling here in Edenic perfection.

When Matthew read that part from have a little faith I wanted to echo the prayer.

Lord God, there are many who are still asking questions, still searching to know. Give them many more years so that we will be reunited and have lots to talk about. Thank You for Your patience and love.

Angel Oak in Charleston South Carolina MarkReqs photography Getty Images

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Thank you for sharing. I think I'm going to have to permanently borrow that prayer-- for many more years.