One Saturday evening we had a friend from our orientation group, Makeeya come and visit us. She knew we were leaving and plus she wanted to visit Chinatown! We are located just a few subway stops from the only Chinatown in Korea. So after sundown we went out on the town!
This is one of our other teachers Ruth. This was still shortly after surgery so I wasn't sure if I should go out so late, but I am glad that I did.
Because it was late and our stop was the end of the line, there was hardly anyone on the subway.
Me, Matt, and Makeeya...M. M. M.
We took advantage of the empty subway and did what we'd always thought about doing...
Eventually we came to China town...
Most everything was closed but we were heading to the park so it was okay.
We have become very friendly with sea creatures/seafood
After walking up many stairs we got to a stopping point (before we climbed more stairs) and celebrated a bit!
After "hanging" around (get it?) we climbed the rest of the stairs and walked around the park.
The water looked so clear that Ruth wanted to really see if there was water (I wasn't so sure there was any the way the lights looked on it) so she stepped into it, and lo and behold, her shoe got wet.
We're glowing!
Getting some refreshments. Nestle Ice Tea.
The infamous exercise swivel things.
I don't know why, but these guys made me laugh.
At the half-way point we met this awesome dog.
So cute and friendly! He was obedient too.
After playing around some more it was time to head back. It was really late by this point (probably past curfew...hehe) and we ended up taking the rapid train and passing our stop and getting off and going back. All in all it was a good time and a pretty little park. I was kind of sad we only found it as we were leaving!